Abbey Street,
Staffordshire, ST15 8YE

Change of Contact Details

How to Tell us about a Change of Contact Details

It is essential that we are notified of changes to your name, address, telephone or mobile number.

To tell us about any changes please complete our online forms:

Complete a Change of Personal Details Form and Upload Proof of Identity

Alternatively, you can visit reception and they will provide you with a form to complete.

Update on Covid Pass, there is a section highlighted 'foreign travel advice on' with more information.  Although most country's do not require the NHS Covid Pass this could change without any notice.

If you have changed your name at the surgery due to marriage or by Deed Poll etc. your passport must match this, your name cannot be changed by to your previous name at the surgery unless you have an official form of identification dated after the original name change.

To change a name at the surgery note that this can take up to 48 hours.  Name changes can take up to 24 hours to change on the NHS App once the surgery has updated the records.  Please ensure that you allow plenty of time before you travel to make any changes.

If you move out of our Area

If you move out of our Practice Catchment Area you should not assume the Practice can continue to look after you. You will need to find a doctor in your new area.